De'Jon Lucas art slideshow

A slideshow of my work for the semester,

Clay piece #2

This clay piece was one of my favorites that I made out of clay not too long ago. The best part of this work was the shell i made for the turtle which I had fun doing; I love making round things out of clay.

Shades and Tints

This was one of my pieces I messed up on, but I think I did pretty well on it as far as tints and shades go. I just need work on definition and not blending things in.

Slice and Dice

These were one of the firsts pieces I made for the semester. I think I did a pretty good job on it as far as highlights go. When I was drawing this on paper to sketch for room to mess up, I messed up pretty badly. But I liked how it turned out when i added it as a final copy above.

Still lifes

This piece was one of my least favorites, I didn't like how it turned out, it looks too dark and I don't like the coloring. One of my regrets is the background, I should have made the background lighter and the foreground darker.

Clay piece #1
Still life #2

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