Inflatable Sculptures De'Janay Hill-Payton

Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that often are site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.

"The balloon invasions I create are metaphors," said Pétillon. "Their goal is to change the way in which we see the things we live alongside each day without really noticing them."

Born and raised in France, Charles’ passion for photography started at the early age of 11 when he was given his first camera. His photography is characterised by its simplicity and attention to detail.

These balloons invasions are metaphors. They aim to change the point of view towards our everyday finds that we pay no attention to. It is our view that he tries to sharpen and to move from a practical perception to visual emotion.

I chose Charles Pètillon because he brings attention to objects that we have and don't normally pay attention to and that we usually take advantage of. And I really like this piece because Charles put light in each balloon it give it threat dramatic effect that draws people to his art and the message he's trying to convey.

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