William's Favorite and Least Favorite Movies.


Almost Famous became my all time favorite movie the moment I watched it. Cameron Crowe wrote and directed the film which was released in 2000. The story covers a young teenage writer for Rolling Stone magazine while he follows the band Stillwater. I fell in love with this movie due to the adventure and drama that the main character, William Miller, experiences after finally fleeing his over protective mother. I'm not saying I have an over protective mother or anything I just think it would be awesome to travel around the states with rock bands all before the age of 17. William Miller experienced any and everything he could while he was away from home, whether it be falling in love, meeting his heroes, losing his virginity or partying like crazy for the first time. The whole time he is on tour his mother tells him to come home but he ends up staying for the entire tour which shoes a little defiance he picked up along the way. This Film shows the wonders of travel and how it can change a person's life forever. Travel and adventure are two things that excite me like no other and I believe that is why I became so interested in this movie.


This was actually a lot harder for me because I tend to forget about movies I hate but for some reason Scary Movie V came to mind pretty quickly. I still do not know why I paid to go see this but it was not even that funny, which was disappointing because movie tickets are pretty expensive now. The only reason I thought this film would be any kind of funny was because the commercials were actually good.The first couple films in this collection had some pretty funny scenes especially I and II. Scary Movie V was directed by Malcolm D. Lee and written by David Zucker, which was release in April of 2013. Basically the plot is centered around the paranormal activities that begin to happen when Charlie Sheen tries to make a sex tape with Lindsey Lohan. I understand that these parodies are not supposed to have a really solid plot but this one is so all over the place that with the lack of funny scenes it makes it hard to watch the entire film. The characters in the movie are great such as Snoop dog, Mac Miller and Charlie Sheen as I already stated, so there was a lot of potential for something pretty funny but it just did not go that way.

Thank you for reading!


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