Biotindase deficiency by:jordan white

this is the molecular structure of biotin. Biotin is the co-enzyme that breaks down proteins for an organism to use.

Biotinidase deficiency is a genetic disorder that a baby is born with that lowers or completely depletes the amount of biotin in the body. Patients who suffer from BTD or biotinidase deficiency can take a pill that gives the body biotin. protein is a much needed nutrient for any person it is needed for muscle growth, hair growth and much more. People who suffer from BTD may get skin sores (eczema), weakened muscles, hair loss, and seizures. some ways doctors test for BTD is by testing for lactic acid in the babies urine. some cases of BTD have shown signs of hearing loss, poor eyesight, and poor coordination.

this child suffers from BTD. he has lost almost all of his hair
This is a biotin supplement that is taken by people with BTD. when The patient takes the pill it helps them break down protein
When a baby is born with BTD they may have a rash known as eczema. normally eczema occurs with a genetic disorder that affects nutrients in the body

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