
Welcome to our library!

Please join the Library Google Classroom! Our classroom is NEVER about giving you work, and ALWAYS about providing you with things that help you through your day to day-from tech tips to book talks. We update weekly and try to ensure that we are providing you with the info you need to know!

Our classroom code is RHLRX6V

The first thing you see when you enter the library is our SIGN IN table! Whether you are coming to the library in the morning before school, or you are visiting during the school day, you MUST sign in here! There is ONE computer available, so please just form a line to sign in if there are multiple people who need to sign in at the same time.

If you are wanting the Morning Sign In form, it is the purple icon on the bottom left of the screen. If you are wanting the School Day Sign In form, it is the purple icon on the bottom right of the screen

If you are signing in before school, you need to fill out this form.
If you are signing in during the school day, you need to fill out this form. There are 4 reasons to come to the library-to check out a book (with a pass), to deal with chromebook issues, with a class, or other-which is things like book fair, needing a new ID, etc. All of these options are on this form-when you come as a class, don't fill out the form unless your teacher has told you to do it for the class!

If you are visiting the library during the school day without your class, whether it is for a book or a chromebook issue, you MUST have the pass! It is YELLOW this year! You will be sent back to class if you do not have one.

If your teacher ever needs a new one, please remind them to just email me and I will make them a new one.

The library ALMOST never closes-but it does happen! If you come to the library and it is closed, please return to your class as quickly as possible and don't wander. You don't want to lose your pass privileges!

Any important school news is always posted on our News To Know board, near the entrance/exit of the library. Please keep an eye out here for important info and updates!

These DO work and you CAN use them! Erasers are 25 cents and gel pens and mechanical pencils are 75 cents.

Once you have found the perfect book or books (you can check out 2 at a time and keep them for 2 weeks at a time), please line up on the dots on the floor under the YELLOW PENCIL to CHECK OUT!

Please RETURN all your books into the slot under the RED pencil.

If you would like to add to the decorations on our circulation desk, you are welcome to do so when you have appropriate free time. That includes before school and during the school day-when a teacher allows you to come down and spend time on it. It is best to have them add a note to your regular library pass, so I know that you are allowed to work on this. Otherwise, I have to call and interrupt your teacher in class to check!

Let's take a tour of where all the sections are in the library!

Our Fiction Section takes up most of the wall space in the library, and is in A-Z order by the author's last name.

Our Upper Shelf/Young Adult section is a collection of fiction books that may have more high school level themes, language, and situations.

Let me take this opportunity to say, that you may find books in ANY section of the library that are not right for you. If that happens, please return the book and let me help you find a new and better book. The library works to have books that are right for the needs of EVERY person who walks in. However, not EVERY book is right EVERYbody, and that's ok!

Please note that the entire Fiction section and Upper Shelf section are labeled with genre labels. These labels are to help you more easily and quickly find the books that interest you!

Our special series books are titles that are part of a series, but don't have the same author throughout the series. In order to keep them together so you can find the series easily, we have created this special series section. They are located on the spinning rack on top of the short shelving for graphic novels and spanish books.

Now that we're in the short-stack area, let's take a look around.

Our Spanish section contains books that are written in the Spanish language for students who may be learning English, or are bilingual and want to read in Spanish.

Our Story Collection Section contains books that hold multiple short stories in one book.

Our Graphic Novel section is always growing and is one of our most popular sections.

Our Non-fiction section is organized by numbers according to the topic of the book.

We've added some special short stack shelves this year!

Our Biography section is set up alphabetically by the last name of the person the book is about, unless it is about multiple people and is organized by the TYPE of person that the book is about to make it easier to find the people you are interested in reading about.

Our New Arrivals are on our large free-standing shelf in the open area near the entrance of the library. Keep an eye on this shelf throughout the year for new and interesting titles as they arrive!!

On the opposite side of our large, free-standing shelf are our South Carolina Junior Book Award Nominees. Every time you finish reading one of these, we can add your name to the poster display near the doors. Read 3 of these books by February and you are allowed to vote on which one you think should be top book for our state! Your vote IS counted and DOES matter, so get reading!

Our other free-standing shelves are our spinning racks (one on the floor by the bikes and one on the short stacks near the tables) with books grouped by genre. While we always encourage you to occasionally get out of your comfort zone when reading, falling back on your favorite type of book can be very comforting. When you want to find a book in your favorite genre quickly-look here!

Please take care of our library! Do not put books back where they don't belong or in ways they don't belong! We always prefer that you put a book in the return slot if you are not sure how to put it correctly on the shelf, rather than finding a misplaced book later.

If you are in the library, and I seem to be missing, I am likely in the back room. Just ring the smiley face bell ONCE and I will happily come and help you. Please remember to NOT ring the bell at any other time.

Our library is FULL of wonderful seating options and comfortable areas to enjoy. Please make sure that you are taking care of those areas and materials, just as you do our books. Please don't bounce on the round chairs, swing in the hanging chair, or move pillows, tables, or chairs without permission. If you do move something-please be responsible and move it back. The better care we take of our library the nicer things will stay and the longer they will last!

Remember that when you come with a class, you are expected to sit at the regular tables and chairs unless otherwise instructed.

Our exercise bikes are one of the favorite seating areas for many of our students. Please take care of them as well so they can last for many years. Chromebooks are NOT allowed on the bikes, as this would likely end with broken technology, which is no good!

While I am always here to help you find books that interest you, I also want you to know how to find books on your own! This is so that libraries are always a place you can go and find what you need, no matter what your age!

The easiest way to find books in our system is through our online catalog! Please add it to your bookmarks so you have it all year!

We will have lots of great contests and book fairs throughout the school year, and we want YOU to participate!

The bottom line is that I LOVE the library, and I want to pass that love and joy on to you! Please always ask if you need help, make suggestions when you have ideas, and always remember that the LIBRARY LOVES YOU!


Created with an image by PlushDesignStudio - "literature book bindings page"