Shakespeare´s Life leila Aguirre Period 1

Shakespeare has had a big influence on culture, language, and education through his Early life, work, and later life.

Shakespeare’s Early Life

"William Shakespeare was born in the small market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, the third of eight children" (Lander).

This shows where and when shakespeare was born. This also helps us start unfolding his early life.

"Beginning at about the age of 7, William probably attended the Stratford grammar school with other boys of his social class. Students spent about nine hours a day in school."(Lander).

This shows where Shakespeare had gotten a lot of his education. It also shows how he spent most of his daily life.

"Shakespeare’s poems and plays show a love of nature and rural life." (Lander).

This quote shows us his work reflected his childhood experiences. It also shows where he spent most of his time.

Shakespeare’s Work

"Most of the great English playwright William Shakespeare's plays were first presented at the Globe." (Seidel).

This tells us where Shakespeare first started shaking what he did with people. It also shows us how his started having admiration to a lot of people.

"Shakespeare’s plays have attracted large audiences in big, sophisticated cities and in small, rural towns" (Lander).

This shows us Shakespeare's first steps in becoming what people regard as the world’s greatest dramatist and the finest poet England has ever produced.It also shows that his work is starting to have a positive influence on people.

"He had a theater that needed plays, actors who needed parts, and a family that needed to be fed."(Anderson).

This shows that for the rest of his writing life Shakespeare was providing plays on demand for the company he worked in. He was the ultimate professional writer.

Shakespeare’s Later Life

"Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for audiences with a broad social background. To the Globe Theatre came a cross section of London society, ranging from apprentices skipping work to members of the nobility passing the time."(Lander).

This quote shows how Shakespeare's plays related to who was watching them. It also shows what inspired him.

"Despite the commercial success of these early publications, Shakespeare made no effort to make a career of poetry. When the theaters reopened, he returned to acting and playwriting."(Lander).

This shows that Shakespeare's poetry has proved to be as much of a success as his play writing. His poems also caused his reputation to grow.

"Since his death Shakespeare's plays have been almost continually performed, in non-English-speaking nations as well as those where English is the native tongue; they are quoted more than the works of any other single author"(Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia).

This shows that even after his death Shakespeare plays were still successful and continue to be to this day. It also shows his works have been quoted more than any other author.

"His works have helped shape the literature of all English-speaking countries.His plays and poems have long been a required part of a liberal education."(Lander).

This shows how Shakespeare has influenced us through his plays and poetry. It also shows that his work has helped people absorb his ideas and historical characters through education.

"Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear. To dig the dust enclosed here! Blessed be the man that spares these stones. And cursed be he that moves my bones."(Anderson)

This shows a verse from one of Shakespeare’s poems that was carved over his grave. His bones lay undisturbed to this day.

Works Cited

Beers, G. Kylene, et al. “William Shakespeare’s Life.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-77.

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

Seidel, Michael. “Globe Theatre.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

William Shakespeare: History Reference Center. “William Shakespeare.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2016): 1-4. History Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.


Created with images by pcambraf - "Globe Theatre" • tonynetone - "William Shakespeare" • Kieran Lynam - "Shakespeare's Globe" • Iman - "shakespeare_sign" • summonedbyfells - "WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S GRAVE" • Mike Licht, - "Romeo & Juliet Balcony Scene, based on a 1936 MGM photo"

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