Planet 3ManFactory: an internal project that went from creative idea to slick execution in just a day. Inspired by Planet Earth, we documented the processes and parts of our world that usually remain unseen behind the campaign creative.

The Lone Wolf 🐺

Planning is a key part of what we do at 3ManFactory. Behind every killer marketing campaign or brand development sit well-considered processes and objectives. What engages your audience? What encourages your customers to buy? We captured Nathaniel conducting a review of a client’s customer journey – a vital part of us understanding and strengthening your brand and service offering. It’s the clever behind the creative that sets us apart.
Our extensive experience of delivering training and lectures or developing workshops and learning frameworks puts us in a unique position; sharing our specialist knowledge with executive teams, audiences at conferences, or in the case of Planet 3ManFactory, our clients. That way, when we’re working to a well-designed strategy, your contribution is on point..
Tying into popular culture can be tricky for brands to implement with authenticity. It can be especially tricky to turn around on a tight deadline. When deployed correctly, it can help increase awareness and really drive engagement with your brand. If your organisation would benefit from timely, well thought out campaigns, video, mini-site development, PR strategy, or any of the other skills we used to bring this together - get in touch.

Planet 3ManFactory: a world of intelligent marketing.

Talk to us on 01772 915005 or email

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