#AIATLA is a podcast on things we like. But it's not exclusively positive or aspirational. Increasingly, I've made room to talk about the issues that mar us, our minds and our extended communities. This is what I’ve worked toward as I continue to produce, book, and edit #AIATLA, and it had has changed the intentions of my podcast — initially talking to guests about things they like — to figuring them out. Figuring out where they come from, what they’ve struggled with, survived, or never had to deal with, and how they’ve maintained their optimism. So now, in this way, conversations about "liking things" has turned into a project of growth.

In this collection of 10 podcasts (9 new, 1 previous), I’ve talk to people who work in media, politics, visual arts, music, TV and the internet. I have two boilerplate questions: What's a place, person, thing or experience they're into right now, and how has the 2016 US presidential election affected them so far? This is was how I try to add context and relevance to a podcast that isn’t directly about current events, but want my guests to reflect on a historic time for the fabric of America, and maybe for them as well.

I think a lot of this podcast has been me exploring my own thoughts and opinions, while I also try to lead those who are generous enough to lend their voices through their stories. As I continue to read, listen to others and challenge myself to sort out my own thoughts, the acknowledgment of growth while also keeping in mind that there is so much to learn (and work to be done) is humbling. Thank you everyone who has listened to ‘Am I Allowed to Like Anything?’. Here’s to 71 more!

— Darian Symoné Harvin

About #AIATLA: I started this podcast because we live in this weird culture where our critiques hold little worth, unless we act skeptical before we are open minded. So, I created a space where I can hop on record with a guest to talk about their works, their lives, and things they like, unabashedly. #AIATLA is a capsule podcast. There will be 100 episodes.

Created By
Darian Symoné Harvin

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