Torbjorn Pedersen Adventurer and Lead Traveler

Born in Denmark by Scandinavian parents. Also participated in school and military service.
Pedersen currently is a goodwill Ambassador at the Danish Red Cross.
Plans to visit every country and spend at least 24 hours there. He started his trip in October 2013.
He visited six continents out of the seven.Pedersen states "the trip is mostly about people, cultures, life, breaking barriers and adventure".
Pedersen's has completed 3 full marathons.
He biked from California to Panama City (9 countries in 31 days).
Pedersen paddled 300km around a island on a solo kayak trip.
Summitted Mountain Kilimanjaro
Trekked up to the Everst Base Camp.
Travels the world on just $20 a day.
Has not used a single plane.
Pedersen's transportation is boats, buses and trains.
Most notable experience was his time in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Most memorable country was Cuba where he stayed there for two months.
Traveled on approximately 225 buses.
Took approximately 98 trains and taxis. / / /


Created with images by TheDigitalWay - "globe world map" • skeeze - "denmark flag flying waving" • cogdogblog - "Kayaking at Woods Canyon Lake" • Stig Nygaard - "Kilimanjaro" • - "Money Shots Ver2" • mamamia05 - "airplane 036" • pantranco_bus - "genesis bus"

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