Tylers first hunt By: Marshall

Tylers first hunt

It all started when school ended on friday afternoon I asked my mom if Tyler could come over. She said yes but no sleepovers when I got home I asked my dad if we could have a sleepover and he said yes. I then asked him to tell my mom to see if It was okay with her also Tyler sleepover. After we were told that tyler could sleep over I thanked my dad and asked if he could go duck hunting with us in the morning he said no because tyler did not know what he was doing and never even held a gun. But I have been in situations like this before and I knew what to do I told Tyler to call his Mom and ask for permission to go hunting and shoot the gun. He was allowed to so we were very happy and ended up going chipmunk hunting right after that. I saw a chipmunk and took the shot,I killed it with one shot. We got home and I skinned the chipmunk for its pelt then, it was off to the varsity football game. After we got home from the varsity football game we went right to bed with a bowl of cereal of course. We were really tired so after an episode or two of spongebob we tried to fall asleep. After about five minutes of trying we knew it was pointless trying to fall asleep . We set like five alarms and sat and watched nasty Mcdonalds videos we started settling down all and all Marshall got 3 hours and Tyler really never fell asleep.

We went chipmunk hunting right before the football game.

Once we finally were ready to go duck hunting, we got all ready and ready to go at 5:00 we got all camoed up and started the long haul to the lake. By 5:15 we finally got to the lake and started by getting the canoe flipped over and started to put it on the edge of the lake, we loaded it up with all the stuff and launched it and a ten minute trip later we were at the blind.

Ducks were flying all over when we got there but it was not shooting time yet.

Of course right away Sadie (Marshall's dog) jumped out and started swimming around and falling in water holes that are in the bog. The bog is like a giant yoga mat, it takes up about half the lake and on the south is connected to an ancient Indian burial ground island. We all got out and got set to go, Marshall's dad went out on the canoe and set out all the decoys, then we got in the blind and sat, shooting started at 6:11 and it was 6:00 we got the gun out and were waiting.

This is my yellow lab she retrieves the ducks when we shoot them.

All of a sudden a bunch of ducks flew in right next to our decoys (that are right in front of us). Marshall was handling the gun, and kept asking his dad to tell him when it was time to shoot. We were getting so excited, duck hunting was about to start for the year of 2016, I was especially excited because it was my first hunt. It was now 6:10 shooting was about to start and the ducks were still right in front of us Marshall saying “tell me when” “tell me when” then it turned 6:11 his dad said “it's time” so right when he said that Marshall jumped up and screamed (because it sportsmanlike) and the ducks flew up. There had to be 10 to 12 ducks and one duck was straight ahead of us, Marshall followed it and “BOOM”

It is the law for safety that you can not shot the gun before shooting time at sunrise.

he shot it and dropped it we got the duck so we thought. At first Sadie jumped right into the water to try to find it and could not so Marshall's dad got on the canoe to go look around. After about ten to fifteen minutes of them looking we could not find the duck so we stopped looking and got back to hunting.

We looked and looked but we sadly could not find the duck.

We did not see any ducks for about fifteen minutes because of how many shots Marshall took to try to hit any other ducks in that swarm of them. For about two and a half hours we had tons of chances to shoot many ducks but could not get any, there would be very easy shots too like ones right in front of you and we just plain missed. And of course in that time I got to shoot a gun for the first time and almost fell over because I did not realize that (even though I knew guns had kick) that it would be that powerful, so when I shot it I almost fell back and I missed the duck of course because it is kind of hard to shoot accurately when you are falling down. Me and Marshall walked around for a bit to see if we could get one but had no luck.So after a rough day on the lake hunting we packed it up, collected the decoys and went in on the canoe. Of course right away Sadie jumped out, once we all got out and pushed the canoe up, Sadie was in the woods just being herself when all of a sudden Sadie jumped out with the duck in her mouth. It was still warm and must of swam through the water to shore and just must have died a good prize on a not so good hunting day on the lake until now. So even though Sadie was running around falling in holes, she got the praise that day. The rest of the day was good and we made jerky of the duck.

This is the type of duck we were hunting and I shot this is a wood duck.
It was a lot of fun at the lake seeing all the ducks and playing with sadie my dog.

Works Cited

Chipmunk. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. <https://pixabay.com/p-1493666/?no_redirect>.

Dog. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/New_Signs_Direct_Recreational_Use_of_Land_at_DOE%E2%80%99s_Paducah_Site_(7597410318).jpg>.

Duck Flying. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Wood_Duck_in_Flight.jpg>.

Hunting. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. <http://www.pixnio.com/free-images/sport/fishing-and-hunting/hunting-at-sunset.jpg>.

Sunset. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/Sunset_on_Lake_Superior_(8740755023).jpg>.

Wood Duck. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/static/photo/1x/Water-Bird-Mandarin-Ducks-Duck-Aix-Galericulata-1486716.jpg>.

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