Aruba A caribbean island

This is the Aruban flag
The whole island is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea usually flat terrain it does have some hills and mountains
Banana chips .............................................................................................................🍌Banana Chips Ingredients chips Plantains Preparation Directions In the Antilles the plantain, which is inedible until cooked, is called banana. The banana usually associated with corn flakes is called bacoba. To avoid confusion 'bananas are referred to as plantains in these recipes. Select a very green plantain, the greener the better. Slice it thinly into rounds. Drop the rounds one by one into hot fat. They will become golden almost immediately. Remove rounds to absorbent paper and sprinkle with salt. As soon as they are cool, store them in a tightly closed tin. Chips can be made a few days in advance, but will become limp if left exposed to humid and tropical air.
Cheese sticks .........................................................................................................🧀Cheese Sticks Ingredients Cheese Sticks 1 cup flour 1/2 cup milk 1/2 stick butter or margarine 1 egg 1 kg of semi hard cheese (e.g. Gouda, Mozzarella etc.) 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon olive oil frying oil Preparation Directions These delectable fish balls can also be made with salmon or fish fillets. Substitute one large can of salmon or one pound of any white fish for the cod. Cut the cheese and long strips and place in your fridge to prevent it becoming soft. Mix flour, butter and egg in a bowl, and add sugar, salt and olive oil to taste into the mix. Then gradually add milk and knead well for a suitable consistency. Stretch out the dough with a rolling pin and cut into long strips (2 to 3 cm) and then roll the strips of dough around the cheese strips forming a spiral. Make sure the dough covers the cheese fully so that it doesn't melt out while frying. Roll the cheese & dough strips through flour to prevent them from sticking while frying. Heat oil in a frying pan until hot before placing the cheese sticks, and fry until golden in color.
Kesio or flan ..................................................................................................................🍮 Desserts Kesio Ingredients Kesio 3 tbs sugar 4 eggs Pinch of salt 1 can of sweetened condensed Milk 1 can of evaporated Milk 1 tsp. vanilla Preparation Directions This is Aruba's version of what is known in the US as 'flan' and in Europe as 'creme caramel'. Kesio is also the papiamento spelling for 'quesillo' in Spanish. In the top of a Double boiler, but directly over a low flame, place: 3 Tbs. Sugar Melt slowly, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the sugar becomes a caramel syrup. Remove from fire and cool. Slightly beat: 4 eggs Pinch of salt Add gradually: 4 Tbs. Sugar Beat well until the sugar is dissolved. Slowly stir in: 1 can of sweetened condensed Milk 1 can of evaporated Milk 1 tsp. vanilla Strain the mixture into the double boiler containing the caramelized sugar. Place over gently simmering water for about forty minutes, or until a silver knife inserted in the center comes out free of custard. Remove from the fire, and cool immediately in the double boiler. At serving time unmold the kesio on to a shallow platter. If some of the caramel clings to the pan, heat gently until it melts. Cool slightly and pour over the unmolded kesio.
A day to remember the father of the Aruban nation, Gilberto Francois (Betico) Croes, who was born in Santa Cruz on January 25, 1938
The Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is an annual event held on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday in Trinidad and Tobago. The event is well known for participants colorful costumes and exuberant celebrations.


Created with images by madmack66 - "Betico Croes"

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