
Let's Get Moving Giving your Best Self to fight Disease

Did you know that through a few simple steps you can greatly decrease your risk for common diseases such as heart attack and stroke?

Did you know heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in the United States?
Eat a variety of healthy foods that satisfy all the main food groups.
Stay physically active
Get at least 8-9 hours sleep every night
Find healthy ways to manage stress
Avoid tobacco and other drug use

With the desire to succeed and the motivation to make a change, there is nothing you can't accomplish. You hold the power to give yourself the best chance to live the life you desire and enjoy the time with the ones you love.


Created with images by Zienith - "bike first person cycle" • hile - "Heart" • davis.steve32 - "Cancer" • skeeze - "push ups exercise fitness" • Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas - "Frutas e Vegetais" • Trocaire - "DSC_0395" • PublicDomainPictures - "baby child cute" • Alan Cleaver - "Stress" • fxxu - "cigarette smoking tobacco" • djtansey - "family"