Genetically Modified Food By: Braxton, jaron, and wyatte

To make a long process short, genetic engineers isolate the gene they want and shoot it into a cell of the plant they want to transform.

These are the top ten GMOs products.

Since 1987, 48 genetically engineered crops have been field tested in the United States. Most of those were major crops like corn, but transgenic barley, broccoli, carrot, chicory, cranberry, eggplant, gladiolus, grape, pea, pepper, raspberry, strawberry, sugarcane, sweet potato, watermelon, and wheat have recently entered field testing.

Many people march against GMOs but what they don't know is that they're eating them almost every day.

GMOs will produce foods with better texture, flavor and nutritional value.

Bigger yields to create more efficient use of land, less uses of herbicides and other pesticides.


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