The Study Drug Shelby Askins

Over diagnosis of ADHD on Ivy League campuses has festered into a large issue because the doctors are not doing anything to alleviate it.

Students without a legitimate need for medication are getting access because it is not mandatory that the doctors prove that they have a disorder.

Ivy League students tend to experience more academic, parental, and personal pressure to succeed, so they are turning to drugs to help them compensate.

A vast black market has also formed because of the high demand for these drugs. Obtaining a prescription can be a valuable asset because the dealer can either benefit from selling or taking the medications.

Students are resorting to ADHD medications without even knowing the long-term and potentially harmful side effects that are canceling out the intended purpose of the medication.

Once doctors put an end to this issue by enforcing the regulation of these drugs, then a chain reaction will occur when students stop resorting to drugs for help and start performing themselves.

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Shelby Askins

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