EPI Anglais/Français/Latin 5ème: A journey with Harry! Claude Monet mohammedia - maroc : Mme afflelou - mme akerraz - M. andré - mme chajid - mme fabre

Harry Potter has just heard that he is a wizard and he is on his way to Hogwarts. Follow him through his journey!

Before starting : Get sorted!!

Take the Sorting Hat Quiz and find out which house you belong to...

First mission: Help Harry with his notebook

Harry doesn't have a clue about wizard words! He desperately needs to create a magic vocabulary notebook . Assist him in his task.

Second mission: Find your way around Diagon Alley!

Harry has finally arrived to London. What a huge city! Before going to Hogwarts he needs to go shopping in Diagon Alley. Help him find his way to the magic gadget shop!

Third mission: Go shopping with Harry!

What magic gadgets could Harry possibly need for his first year at Hogwarts? Act out the scene at the Magic Shop!
The wand chooses the wizard, Mr Potter!

Fourth Mission: Discover Hogwarts... How magnificent!

Fifth Mission: Big scare at Hogwarts!

Something terrible has happened at Hogwarts! Harry and his friends had such a big scare! Tell the story!
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