Pacific Anguil Genus: Phorus Species: Anguilped

The Pacific Anguil, or Pang as it is more commonly known, can be found in the pelagic ocean zone. Of this zone, it can be specifically found in the neurotic zone. The Pang doesn't live in water deeper than approximately ten meters. There is plenty of nutrients coming in from upwellings and runoffs. Sunlight penetrates throughout entire zone and it contains 90% of all marine life. Many things about the Pang make it well suited to live in this zone. Since this zone is full of coral reefs and other rocks, the fact that this organism can both swim and crawl gives it a great advantage. The sunlight allows for good food source due to the abundant life. This region also provides many hiding places for protection.

This organism can swim and crawl. The Pang can propel through the water with its feet pinned back against its body. These unique creatures can also crawl on the beaches or rocks that are out of water in the Pacific Ocean. They can stay out of water for up to ten minutes. After ten minutes, they have to wait up to thirty minutes until they can come back out of the water.

The Pang lives on almost strictly crustaceans but prefers mollusks. They use a hard calcium deposit in their mouth that resembles a tooth to crack the shell in order to extract the meat. They hunt their prey by camouflaging into their surroundings and pouncing on their prey. If mollusks are running low, they will scavenge.

The female is typically larger and less colorful than the male. This is because the female holds up to 25 offspring and can camouflage with her surroundings. She can grow as long as 30 inches. The male is smaller and more agile. He is also more colorful to attract mates. He can grow up 18 inches. The females are typically green, brown and white. The males are a variety of vibrant colors like blues, reds and yellows.

The picture on the left is the different colors of the female Pang. The picture on the right is the different colors of the male Pang.

Protection for the female is accomplished by blending into their environment. They also hide in small crevasses of a coral reef. Additionally, the male will hide in such crevasses, but is equipped with a large, hard tooth that he uses to inflict damage on any threat. They are fierce fighters, when cornered. Because of their hard shell, it is very difficult to eat this organism.

The Pang has the lifestyle of a nektonic. In other words, it swims in its daily life. It can vigorously move throughout the water it lives in. It swims with its legs pinned back behind its body. It can also crawl due to the fact that their tiny legs are extremely powerful. It can crawl on coral or rocks on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

The Pang breathes through a set of gills on each side of its head. To breathe, it starts by taking water into its mouth. It then forces the water out through its gills. The water then passes over a thin layer of the gills. Dissolved oxygen moves into the blood, and travels to the Pang's cells.

The way this organism reproduces is very simple. First, the female Pang lays her eggs in a very protected area. An example of this area is a hole under a rock. After she lays her eggs, the male Pang fertilizes them. The eggs take approximately four weeks to incubate. Baby Pangs are about two millimeters in size when they hatch. It reproduces in this way because its ancestors did so.

The Pang was born!!

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