The Kindergarten Experience at Copper King

We are happy to be here today, to share with you our journey through The Kindergarten Experience. Today we have with us, Dr. Isela Garcia. She is Project Director with the Alesi Group.

"We embrace children's natural curiosities and believe that through their active exploration, analyzes and discovery that they will become proficient learners with the ability to create new ideas and concepts."

Our Mission Today: We are here to encourage the partnership between Pendergast Schools and the Alesi Group. This partnership will help support our teachers with student growth, across the district. We have begun our journey with Conscious Discipline, a stepping stone to The Kindergarten Experience's philosophy. We believe our district's next step is to form a relationship with Alesi Group.

Social and Emotional, Math, ELA, Organization of Space and Time, Block Play, Young Scientist in Action, The Project Approach, Coming Soon...Engineering

The Kindergarten Experience Workshops


Student Model of The White House

Rainy day doesn't stop us!

Ah-Ha Moment!

Even at recess they are eager to practice their new skills.

Take Apart Lab

Students needed an oven to "cook" their pizza.

Students share jobs in the classroom to support the classroom community.

Reading in all areas around the room!

Helping each other find words on the Word Wall.

Partnering with the STEAM Academy

How "The Experience" changed my teaching!

less behaviors, more small groups, engaged students, student led, curious minds, higher expectations, community relationship, available resources, increase in academic language

Students work in small groups on individualized plans to reach their goals.
Students choose an activity that promotes teamwork and language.
Students are using their decoding skills to read their weekly story.

Thank you for allowing us to share our experience with you.

Come see our classrooms where materials and areas are designed with an intentional design to promote real, relevant and meaningful play.

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