Rhythm and Resistance Poems By; Micki Roy

Resistance is preventing something from happening, it is the refusal of accepting something. Resistance is important because without it I feel like people wouldn’t have a voice. In this unit we’re really focusing on resisting stereotypes and celebrating how stereotypes people place on things may not be that bad. Poetry can show resistance in many different ways and it’s very unique because sometimes poetry doesn’t get right to the point you have to read between the lines. There are many different poetry pieces that portray resistance in very clear, unique, and creative ways. I think Rhythm and resistance is a very good title for this unit because we are showing resistance in our poem.

My poems were really focusing on how the things around you shape you. Two of them were resisting the stereotypes of the younger generation. For example in my poem “Teenager” I really wanted to show how adults see us as these wild children not knowing what to do with our lives. Even though adults go through their everyday struggles we also have our struggles with trying to fit into this society we’re growing up in. I would like to point out the line, “We push to please adults you see but at night we lay up dreaming we’re grown young and free.” I feel this line is really telling the adults that we’re always looking for their approval even though we don’t always show it or our actions don’t always come off that way. Are you here is by far my favorite because it’s a personal story. I was trying to get across that everyone’s love isn’t good. Room full of sistahs is one that doesn’t really fit in with the others but it stands out in a subtle way. Instead of teenagers it’s more focused on color people and how we have to stick together to make each other happy.

Before I did this I thought of poetry as these little rhythmic stories but, this unit has really showed me that poetry is not all about the rhymes; it has a message. Every piece of poetry has a message behind it even if we don’t see it. I think I have found the way I write poetry to be stories about me. I like to tell stories in my poetry but I still like to make it seem catchy with the rhymes. Overall I really enjoyed exploring poetry in this unit and I would like to write more poetry in the future.

Room full of Sistah's

Room full of sistah's by Ernie Barns

The hard dreary day I was glad it was done

I just wanted to go home and sit in the sun

The quietness of my home

Green couch like a lime

I'd worked all day and barely made a dime


But as I stepped through the door

All my black sisters laughing their joyous laughs

They greeted me with pleasure

And we sat down for tea

And laughed all afternoon

Til the sun set at peace


For they made me forget about the hard day behind

And the hard day yet to come

All the thoughts pushed to the side

Who said you can't be black and happy

Cause I'm happy as can be with my sisters all around

And all bask in the laughter the mixture of the sounds


Even tho the work is tiring

I have my sisters here to guide me

And we'll take every step together

Every step foot and mile

And it may be hard but we'll take them with a smile


Being a teenager

You go through things

Trying to enjoy what teenage life brings

Is being a teenager all about the mall

The clothes, The shoes

Nothing else at all ?


Do you see the A’s we strive,

Scrolling through trying to get big booty and thighs.

But being a teenager all you see

Is the parties, the cliques, crushing on celebrities.

Us teengaers see a time to have fun.

But instead we’re run

We’re running around like geese in a lake

Thinking about our future at stake


Being a teenager

We push to please adults you see

But at night we lay up dreaming

We’re grown, young and


Are you here ?

I am a girl who loves their Grandma

I am a girl who loves their Grandpa

I am a girl who sees their Grandma monthly

I am a girl who saw their Grandpa everyday

She doesn’t call

He used to come at my call

She spends more time with my cousins

He used to spend every day with me

It’s like she’s not here

I wish he was here

She spends more time with my cousins

He used to spend every day with me

It’s like she’s not here

I wish he was here

I miss her smile

I miss our laughter

I love her but there’s anger in my heart

I miss him but he’ll always have a space in my heart

It’s been 6 months

It’s been 6 years

No call

I visit

It’s like she’s disconnected from my life

I still call his disconnected line

I no longer call her Grandma

He will always be my Grandpa

She calls I answer “ Hi Mrs. Roy”

I call no answer “I miss you Grandpa “

And I’ve realized people can be in your life but gone in presence

And I’ve realized he’s gone in presence but not from my life

So what I’m trying to say is

So what I’m trying to say is

I am a girl who needs their Grandma

I am a girl who loves their Grandpa

I am a girl who accepts she’ll never be here

I am a girl who knows he’ll always be here

And I will be a woman and let her go

And I will be a woman and never let go

And in the end

And in the end

She’ll regret not being here for me

I’ll remember him always here for me


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