Intro into Art 2016-2017 Clara Keating

I took Intro into Art because I love to draw and it makes me relaxed when i'm stressed but mostly I just wanted the to strengthen my skills so I could develop my love for art into something more.

Drawing Strategies

Edges and Contours (top left), Relations and Proportions (top right), Space (bottom left), Light and Shadow (bottom right). I think I learned the most from the relations and proportions unit because learning all the measurements and tricks for making things look proportional and realistic.
I think my art has improved throughout the year through its realism and me using chiaroscuro to make things pop out. Towards the end of the semester, the impasto painting shows how my blending skills have improved to make the artwork flow.
In my vase project, I added light especially where the highlight is, making all the parts of light flow together. Chiaroscuro is the term that means contrast of light and dark to give the illusion of space and I feel I used that here in my art work especially in the smallest object.

Portrait Drawing

I think i've had the most improvement in not only making things non-stereotypical, but in shading and understanding chiaroscuro. This allowed me to make my eyes and nise more realistic with me learning how to use charcoal and also using correct measurements to make things look proportional.

Closing Information

1st picture (hand charcoal)-I wish I would've had more time to focus more on making my fingers look more realistic and not so "bendy" 2nd (face portrait test run) I wish I would've had more time to blend my charcoal better and to foucault more on my facial features to make the portrait look more like me in real life.
I think over the course of the first semester, I really learned how to blend in everything to make my art flow and I also think I improved in making my facial features look non-stereotypical.
I think this portrait improved my attitude about art because this was really the first piece of art that I made that looked somewhat realistic (in my eyes) and that's when I really began to realize that I was improving and that really changed my attitude about the class

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