Christina aguliera Ella wood

Fecha de nacimeinto es Deciembre diecoicho .de donde es , mil noveciento ochenta in Staten island, Nueva York. she is a musico. her accomplishments are canto y hacciendo albumes . Y she just canto.

fun facts: her career started when she was on the Micky mouse club. her big break was when she released a single called ''genie in a bottle''. she is also scared of the dark.

Christina Aguilera has had a great leap into stardom because she is such a good singer. even though she started off on The Micky mouse club show. her success has made her songs go all over the world.

she received her big break when she had a great single called '' genie in a bottle'' and now she has a bunch of albums. she is know as a diva because of fights she has had with other stars. she has sold 50 million albums in the United States, and 14.5 in the country. she was the best selling artist in the 2000's.

5 ways to discribe her are comico,alta,Rubio,Bonito, y generoso.

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