Research Tracey Gold

In the TV series Blue Jeans.

In this presentation I'm going to talk about Tracey Gold. She was born in New York City in May 16, 1969 (nineteen sixtynine). She has lived in Southern California in USA and she is famous for her movies and tv series. Her real name is Tracey Claire Fisher, "Gold" is taken from her adoptive fathers' surname Goldstein.

She suffered of anorexia but now she helps other people with this problem using her experiences.

Sitcom Growin Pains theme.

Tracey Gold and her sister Missy Gold, also an actres. But she has other three sisters: Jessie Gold, Cassie Gold and Brandy Gold.

She is married with Roby Marshall since 1994. They have four children: Dylan Christopher Marshall, Aiden Michael Marshall, Sage Gold Marshall and Bailey Vincent Marshall.

During her childhood she acted since the age of five in TV commercials as her parents were already in the world of showbusiness.

When she graduated in highschool she was already famous.

Videos of Tracey Gold


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