What Matters to Me By Megan wernsing

Volleyball matters to me. Having a good relationship with my coach and team mates.
Softball matters to me. I want to stay active and on top of my game.
School matters to me. Getting a good education and that leads to getting a good job.
Love matters to me. Loving my family and them loving me back. Having a really good relationship with my family.
Traveling matters to me. Being able to travel with my family an making lots of memorises and becoming really close.
Friends matter to me. Having a good relationship with my friends and knowing they have my back.


Created with images by Greg Hayter - "setting sun" • skeeze - "volleyball game beach" • keijj44 - "softball girls game" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • Ms. Phoenix - "Heart" • zaimoku_woodpile - "air plane, air port in Japan" • HeyDanielle - "Love"

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