Red Dog Review By mason henderson

Red Dog is a great movie for the whole family the characters in this film are very funny and you can easily get attached to them they really do represent life in the out back mining for resources and the film really shows how they come together as a family with Red Dog.

How red Dog came about and changed the lives of many people.

Red Dog was found in the middle of the road near the small town of Dampier the two people who found him was the bar tender and his wife red Dog quickly gained the trust and friendship of everyone around him but he never had an owner. A good quote in the film is “red Dog is a Dog for everyone but no one in particular” but that all changed when a “nomad” by the name of John came to the town of Dampier. Red Dog grew particularly fond of John and he became his master but still a Dog for everyone.

What I really enjoyed about the movie was just the storyline in general and how they characters in the film acted it was really funny and I promote people to watch this fantastic movie.

This film is really great and I rate it a 10/10 but be sure to have a box of tissues near by for this movie.

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