DofE project 2016 Amy, izzi, sarah, cameron, ben!

The training expedition!!!

Amy forgot her water
Welcome to Jurassic Park
You look like a really annoying director
We're off!
Amy, you're not a cameraman
Ner Ner Ner ner ner NER NER NER NER
It made a noise 0.o
I should vlog more often

Miss has arrived

we met the others

in the tent

Play with fire

the morning after......Oh God

Amy the saviour


I am going to have nightmares about this

The real thing...

...and none of us were prepared for the map reading...well...the majority of us anyways

We're just about to go...
Ben you are actually an idiot
You'll probably cut that out
Scenic shots

we found them having a break

A walking stick handle
Food is when we're happiest
It's a nice horse but it can be hostile
Whaaaaat? 0.o
I'm so tired, somebody kill me with a stick
WHO'S HAPPY?! Shhhh!

Lunch break

Steal Fraser's chair, RUN!

At the campsite!

Izzi set up the camera weird

don't "darn goof" me! I did not set up the camera wrong!

Do you know the muffin man? Do you know the muff...
Wait, where are my Pringles?
We're making fire, I thought that was obvious...
This nasty girl
#Amy Patey
exActly, a minute ago
I'm not a disapointment

The next day

What about...underneath camera...? XD
The whole night
Scenic trees
Unless you want to get your nuts out
Are you talking about Hitler already?!


Bike, bike Jesus Ben!
Minimum. Minimum. Minimum
Dennis the worm
Donald Trump
Sombrero man
40 mins
Happy days

DofE 2016

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