
According to Merriam-Webster: A family is a group of individuals living under one roof.

Etymology: Middle English familie, from Latin familia

"Family." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2017

According to me: It’s the blood, the relatives that make one big family with ups and downs.

You look back laughing at memories made at gatherings, remember the fun times you had with siblings and cousins but you also keep those you’ve lost close in your heart.

Family is there for you in good time and bad times. They are there when you fall and they help you get back up. They make the bad times a little easier and the good times always create the memories.

No matter what you do in life they are there. Even if you think they are not. There always rooting for you and they always have your back.

It’s not sending a text to your grandma saying you miss her, it’s driving to her house and showing up on her doorstep unexpectedly.

Family is not a thing that you can just use, it’s who you share your childhood with, they see your bright days and your dark days and they always welcome you back with open arms in any situation.


Created with images by White77 - "family holiday people" • katgrigg - "Family" • jill111 - "family children woman" • sarahbernier3140 - "father daughter beach" • Kamaljith - "Family" • miapowterr - "dad mom love" • Evil Erin - "Family jump" • tunaolger - "silhouette family landscape" • Virvoreanu-Laurentiu - "people family men"

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