India By: Gavin Crown

I will be interviewing India and its people on their situations and their jobs. But first here is some background information.

The population of India is 1,266,883,598. They are the country with the third largest population in the world. Their urban population is 32.7% of total population. A large urban population would mean that people are moving there because of something like jobs or resources.

27.71% of the population is children which means India is going through a rapid population and there will be an even bigger population in the future. There schooling is not the best because most of their population does not get schooled.

Now we will be interviewing workers from the Indian hotline. The people at the call center talk to mostly people from other countries like The United States were the help fix problems. The training is vigorous and they have to learn to speak fluent in our language and they have to answer the people's questions in a flash. They get paid at about 2 dollars per hour. The people here have the comparative advantage of being able to carry out the job such as the call center and being able to think quick on their feet.


Created with images by rjames1045 - "india ganges bathing"

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