Photo Story By: Courtney brooks

Starbucks Coffee

Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. A well known coffee shop, Starbucks originated in 1971. Starbucks allows customers to get one free drink of their choice on their birthday.
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. The barista, Chase, patiently waits for the customer, Aiden, to decide what to order. It is Aiden's birthday and Chase does not know yet.
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. Aiden relays to Chase that it is her birthday. Chase gladly helps Aiden pick out her free drink.
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. A barista, Jaylyn, is happy to make Aiden her free birthday drink. Jaylyn said, "we are always excited to make our customers their birthday drink."
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. Jaylyn put the finishing touches on the birthday drink. Jaylyn made sure to tell Aiden, happy birthday!
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. Jaylyn told Aiden to "have a great day to come a visit soon." Aiden was very excited to receive her free birthday drink.
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. Aiden peacefully enjoyed her cup of chia tea latte.
Ridgeland, Miss. February 25, 2017. Aiden was happily surprised that Starbucks offers a free drink for birthdays. Aiden said that she, "will make sure to make a stop here on her future birthdays." Aiden could not be any happier with the service at Starbucks.
Created By
courtney brooks

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