On the 11th πŸŽ„ Day of Christmas πŸŽ„......

Our Microdermabrasion Paste is one of my FAVORITE products - a HUGE tub of our incredible sugar/salt scrub. It's so VERSATILE!

πŸŽ„ALONE for a gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin leaving skin soft and smooth,

πŸŽ„With a regimen to enhance cell turnover, improving skin tone & texture, and

πŸŽ„ PAIRED to target specific concerns, and/or achieve maximum results!

Pick a combo pictured below (or 2!)... blackheads, sunless tan, dull skin, keratosis pilaris/perfect shave, dry/cracked heels, smooth/soft lips, or a skin firming mini-facial - and get it at $20.00 off!


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