Observations at Raising Cane's Morgan werth

Observations took place at 6:30pm to 7:10pm at Raising Cane's in Core Campus.

To my right...

The setting was mildly social. The main things people were doing included eating, studying, and conversing with each other.

Straight on view...

I think I struggled with making assumptions. I labeled people sitting together as potential friends, or in a romantic relationship using the word "couple" in a few of my field notes. I think some of the strengths in my field notes was using quotes from eavesdropping, description words such as "she seemed tired" and "she seemed relieved."

To my left...

My notes included 3 pages of observations, and a few reflections.

The hardest part about the study was not making assumptions. I chose Cane's because it was close to my dorm, but also because I wanted to know how people used that particular section of Core Campus. Usually Starbucks is normally the place to study, I didn't think I would see as much studying as I did in Cane's.

Thank you!
Created By
Morgan Werth

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