
彭定康怒斥中共的欺骗本质和乱中取利的丑陋 【中英对照翻译】

作者:Jason Lemon On 5/24/20 / 2020年5月24日

消息来源:The Newsweek 《新闻周刊》





从去年6月9日香港民间人权阵线发起“守护香港反送中”大游行以来,中共一直企图用暴力制服香港,但遭到香港民众的顽强抵抗。中共在5月21日进行的十三届全国人大三次会议上提出审议为香港制定的《国安法》的决定草案,妄图在人大层面强行通过香港《国安法》,绕开香港的立法委员会直接用大陆的法律管辖香港,彻底抛弃1997年香港回归时承诺的“一国两制”,引发了国际社会的强烈反应。加拿大、英国和澳大利亚在5月22日迅速发表了联合声明,明确表示对中共国提出有关香港国家安全立法严重关注,希望中共恪守“一国两制”原则。根据该原则,香港享有高度自治。” 美国国务院官网5月22日发表了署名蓬佩奥的声明,谴责中共国将对香港推行国安法立法是践踏民意、试图绕过香港立法程序的做法,并声明如果中共一意孤行,美国必定重新评估香港自贸区地位。







所以中共迁怒香港,悍然推动香港国安法,执意要废除当初承诺的“一国两制”,以挽回一些颜面,并消除后患。毕竟,中共外部现在面临120多个国家联署独立调查中共病毒起源的压力,面临美国重新定位美中关系并启动“新冷战”对中共进行全面遏制的压力,面临全球“去中共化”的大势所趋,内部面临国内民生凋敝、党内斗争你死我活、社会矛盾一触即发的危局。中共只能寄希望于先熄灭“后院” “民主自由的星星之火”,才能对外放手一搏,作垂死挣扎。



Hong Kong's Last British Governor Blasts China, Says It 'Cheats' and 'Tries to Screw Things in Its Own Favor'


By Jason Lemon On 5/24/20 at 9:20 AM EDT

Chris Patten, who served as the last British governor of Hong Kong, strongly criticized China and urged the United Kingdom to do more to protect the former colony's autonomy as the Chinese government moves to curb the special administrative region's freedom.

克里斯·彭定康(Chris Patten)曾是香港最后一位英国总督,他强烈批评中共国,并敦促英国在中共政府限制特别行政区自由之际,采取更多措施保护前殖民地的自治。

"China cheats, it tries to screw things in its own favor, and if you ever point this out their 'wolf warrior' diplomats try to bully and hector you into submission," Patten, who governed Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997, said in an interview with The Times of London. "It's got to stop otherwise the world is going to be a much less safe place and liberal democracy around the world is going to be destabilized."

“中共国欺骗了世界,它试图搞砸局面从中谋利,如果你指出来,他们的'战狼'外交官就咄咄逼人试图让你屈服。” 在1992年至1997年间任港督的彭定康接受《泰晤士报》的采访时这样说。 “这必须停止,否则世界将变得不安全,世界范围内的自由民主将会动荡。”

Last week, China's ruling Communist Party announced a proposal that would impose sweeping national security laws in Hong Kong, which many residents and outside analysts believe could permanently erode the region's autonomy.


Thousands of protesters entered the streets on Sunday, clashing with riot police in some of the city's busiest neighborhoods.


Pro-democracy protesters are arrested by police in the Causeway Bay district of Hong Kong on May 24, ahead of planned protests against a proposal to enact new security legislation in Hong Kong ISAAC LAWRENCE/AFP/Getty

5月24日,支持民主的抗议者在香港铜锣湾被警方逮捕。此前,香港计划举行抗议活动,反对在香港颁布新的安全立法的提议。ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP / Getty

Patten warned that the British government should assert "that what we are seeing is a complete destruction of the Joint Declaration," the legal document that returned the former colony to China in 1997. Under that agreement, Hong Kong should maintain its relative autonomy under the "one country, two systems" policy until at least 2047.


"What we are seeing is a new Chinese dictatorship," he told The Times. "I think the Hong Kong people have been betrayed by China, which has proved once again that you can't trust it further than you can throw it."

他对《泰晤士报》说:“我们现在看到的是一种新的中共独裁统治。” “我认为中共国已经背叛了香港人,这再次证明了你不能相信中共,要与中共割席。”

The former Hong Kong governor argued that "Britain has a moral, economic and legal duty to stand up for Hong Kong," warning that "the real danger is that we are entirely limp on this."


"We have obligations because we signed the agreement," he said.


Newsweek has reached out to the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. for comment. A spokesperson for the U.K.'s Foreign and Commonwealth Office emailed Newsweek the kingdom's latest statement regarding the situation in Hong Kong.


"We are deeply concerned at proposals for introducing legislation related to national security in Hong Kong," the joining statement from by British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Canadian Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne said.

英国外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)、澳大利亚外交大臣马里斯·佩恩(Marise Payne)和加拿大外交大臣弗朗索瓦·菲利普·香槟(François-Philippe Champagne)在联合声明中说:“我们对在香港实施与国家安全有关的立法提议深表关切。”

"Making such a law on Hong Kong's behalf without the direct participation of its people, legislature or judiciary would clearly undermine the principle of 'One Country, Two Systems', under which Hong Kong is guaranteed a high degree of autonomy," they cautioned.


Sir Christopher Francis Patten attends 'Cardinal Newman: A Celebration' at Casina Pio IV on October 12, 2019 in Vatican City, Vatican Franco Origlia/Getty

克里斯托弗·弗朗西斯·彭定康爵士(Sir Christopher Francis Patten)于2019年10月12日在梵蒂冈的梵蒂冈城参加卡西纳·皮奥四世的‘红衣主教:庆祝活动’

Hong Kong has faced a wave of protests since last year as the Chinese government, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, has attempted to curb the region's freedoms and autonomy to bring it more in line with mainland China. Thousands of demonstrators have routinely clashed with police and a local election in November saw pro-democracy politicians win in their biggest landslide victory in Hong Kong's history.


Despite the protests and results of the election, Xi's mainland government has continued to crackdown on demonstrations and dissent in the region. Many activists and rights groups have expressed deep concern about the long term viability of the "one country, two systems" policy under the current Chinese government.


In an interview with Newsweek on Friday, Human Rights Watch Senior Researcher Maya Wang explained that "losing Hong Kong will also mean losing the powerful voice that provides a slight moral check on China" which is important because the east Asian nation is "expanding its influence and becoming increasingly powerful."

人权观察高级研究员王玛雅(Maya Wang)在周五接受《新闻周刊》采访时说:“失去香港也将意味着失去对中共国进行道德约束的强大声音”,这很重要,因为中共国正在“扩大其影响力并变得强大。”

"Human rights abuses will no longer stay in the mainland," Wang warned.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】