Digital Imaging Portfolio Agustin Sevilla III

Build a Sandwich

The sandwich assignment exercise helped me learn the basics of photoshop. First I used the quick selection tool or "the little ants" to select the parts needed. After the layers in photoshop made it possible to make the sandwich in a specific order.

Sea Monster

The sea monster assignment taught me how to mask and color match along with some text. I used animals that weren't supposed to be in the sea. Color matching manipulated the bear and giraffe making it fit in with the background.


The firework assignment taught me how to manipulate light. I needed to make a daytime photo have a night time background. Since when fireworks go up they create a bright so I needed to make the building have light from the sky. I also added Drake sitting on the side of the building admiring the fireworks.



With gramps I made him look haunted by making his eye bigger and fixed the spots in the image. I used the patch tool for the spots. The liquify filter helped to make his eye look haunted.


Mr. Wrinkles was all old from forehead to chin. I made the wrinkles disappear with the spot healing brush. His hair was all white so I made it a different color to look younger.


The football image was all torn up and dirty with coffee stains. I used the clone stamp tool to fix the background and some missing parts of the image.

Custom Paint Job

Mini Limo

The mini limo taught me how to manipulate shapes of something. This allowed me to customize the van. I liked this assignment because I love cars and messing around with them.

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