James Joyce By Christopher Kerr


The major themes/ motifs utilized by Joyce are that Corruption prevents progress, Paralysis, or an inability to act, plagues many characters in his stories and places them in situations that lead to no where, and finally, Death is prevelant in his stories and for those that it is not it is implied. The paralysis causes death and the corruption is representative of moral death.

Writing Style

A large factor in Joyce's rise to esteem was his unique writing style. He is most known for his mastery of a style known as "stream of consciousness", which can be described as writing that follows and presents the feelings and immediate thoughts of the characters as things are unfolding in front of them. This style allows the reader a more indepth look at the character's qualities/attitude as it display thier uncensored by normal context given by their words and actions. As a result, however, this makes the story seem rather jumbled and at times incoherent to many, and it takes time and analysis to properly read his works.

List of James Joyce's Works

  • Chamber Music (poems, 1907)
  • Dubliners (short-story collection, 1914)
  • A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (novel, 1916)
  • Exiles (play, 1918)
  • Ulysses (novel, 1922)
  • Pomes Penyeach (poems, 1927)
  • Collected Poems (poems, 1936)

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