Shorten Your Showers By: Sheraine Bennett

Without water, life would not exist.

What Is The Problem

Most people are taking really long showers and it is wasting especially water

The average 8 minute shower uses 62 litres of water.

You use about 8 liters of water per minute in the shower.

Taking an under-5-minute shower can only use 23 liters of water, this saves about 39 liters of water!

Every year, the US wastes about 1.2 trillions of gallons a year.

Showering wastes up about 18% of our water use.

How To Fix The Problem

Reducing the amount of time you spend in the shower gives you extra time for homework, to lie in bed longer, or to read a few extra pages in your book. You can choose

This is the simplest. Less time in your shower means less money going into your water bill, that means that you save money.

Don’t waste time brushing your teeth, or shaving in the shower. These can be done before or after you shower.

It’s better to shave after a shower because it leaves your skin to be exfoliated and hydrated.

When washing you hair, you can wash your skin while the conditioner is in your hair.

World Water Day

“Water World Day” is in March 22 and it is a national holiday.

It started on March 22, 1993

Many countries suffer from dirty and un sanitized water.

Some countries are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Chad, Cambodia, Laos, Haiti, Ghana, India, Rwanda, and Bangladesh.

For example, In Cambodia 84% of the population does not have access to clean, safe water. The Mekong River flows through this area of Southeast Asia and it is often affected by monsoon season from May to November.

The monsoon season is a showcase of dramatic weather. While the storms suppress sweltering temperatures and resuscitates vegetation, they also deliver intense rains, powerful winds, and a high number of lightning strikes.

The Green Toilet

According to The Green Toilet, water from the shower goes down the drain and heads for either a wastewater/sewage treatment plant or a septic tank.

At the treatment plant, water goes through a primary or mechanical treatment where 60% of suspended solids are removed. Machines remove large objects including human waste, sand, gravel, rocks, oils, greases, and other objects that could clog or damage the equipment. These solids are usually sent to a landfill.

The remaining liquid goes through a secondary treatment where aerobic bacteria breaks down soap, detergent, human waste and food waste.

Finally, the water goes through a tertiary treatment where it is filtered and disinfected so it can be released back into the environment.

😊 Thank You 😊

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