Hydroponic Farming v. Traditional Farming In Developing countries

HYDROPONIC FARMING: method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solution, in water, without soil.
Traditional Farming: mixture of livestock and crops, where livestock manure is used as fertilizer for the growth of produce.
Four main types of Hydroponic Techniques:
Nutrient Film Technique
Dynamic Root Floating Technique
Water Culture Technique
Simplified Hydroponics:

Hydroponic Farming in Developing Countries

Economic Issues in Developing Countries

  • Hunger and Malnutrition plague developing countries
  • About 1.2 billion people live in a constant state of hunger and malnutrition.
  • Everyday 35,000 children starved to death.


Hypothesis:Is hydroponic farming a fast growing method for produce in comparison to traditional farming as well as is it socially believed to be the best solution to lack of food in developing countries.


This blind taste test shows that the Hydroponic Lettuce Cups and Traditional grown lettuce cups were equally liked.

According to the results the hydroponically grown lettuce grew faster than traditionally grown lettuce. The Hydroponic lettuce grew a total of 9.1 centimeters, while the traditional lettuce grew a total of 4.4 centimeters in a period of thirty days.


  • Data results show that in Figure 1 the taste test concluded that there was no palpable difference between hydroponically grown lettuces versus traditionally grown lettuce and that it was equally liked as the traditionally grown lettuce..
  • Figure 2 shows that the Hydroponic Farming lettuce grew faster and longer than traditional grown lettuce. At the end of the duration hydroponic lettuce grew 3.1cm while traditionally grown lettuce grew 4.4 cm
  • This experiment showed that Hydroponic farming can be used an alternative food production in developing countries


  • Traditionally grown lettuce was grown not consistently measured.
  • Hydroponic Method result used was done by a Community Farm


  1. Dr. Joseph Marlon
  2. Ms. Leah Covenant
  3. Biology and chemistry lab Department

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