Teddy's 10th Birthday Will Wear Stoopid Hats for Food

Teddy, the Birthday Boy (and a true cookie monster)
Liver pate "cake" with Kong-filler icing, decorative training treats, and a BlueDog Bakery deli "candle" treat
Liver Cake for Everyone! (The humans are making do with chocolate brownies. So sad.)
Will Wear Stoopid Hat for Food
Yo! Will tilt hat gangsta-cool: as an Ear.
The guests are a blur of excitement. Food is nigh.
But first: Sits before Eats.
Someone's Nose is bigger than his Sit.
AT LAST: the birthday feast.
Finishing the chewy "candle" in a safer place.
More, please, sir?
And last, singing "Happy birthday to yoooooooo-ooo-ooo!"
And many mooooooooore!

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