Ununoctium By :Wesley weston

Og or Uun

Oggnesson or Ununoctium

Atomic number 118

P=118. E=118. N=176

Estimated atomic mass 294

Presumably gas

Non metallic

Dabna discovered it. hawrenu Livermore national leboratorn changed the name.

discovered in 2002 and name changed in 2013.

It is radioactive Chemical.

PHYSICAL properties

Density of solid 5100 lssm -3. Molar volume 52 cm3. Thermal lonadtiriTy 0.0013 lm -1/5 -1

Chemical properties

Doesn't have any known chemical properties

Has not been tested to find what it will be used for.

Interesting facts

This Element is one of the few that has had a name changed.

This element is man-made and only a few have been created.

This element can only stay in existence for a few mili-seconds before it is gone


Created with images by kewl - "Radioactive graffiti" • Free Grunge Textures - www.freestock.ca - "Nuclear Grunge Symbol" • euthman - ""Fat Man" Nuclear Bomb Mockup" • TRF_Mr_Hyde - "Interesting"

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