Marie laveau By: erica weeks and annIe gumksowSki

Significant contributions

  • She helped families who were unable to have children get kids to raise as their own.
  • She helped people with their sorrow.
  • She was a hair dresser too. She helped people with their appearances.
  • She nurtured the sick through epidemics.
  • Marie laveau welcomed people in her home with food and a warm place to stay the night.

Personal qualities

  • She died with a smile.
  • She was beautiful.
  • She was a wonderful woman.
  • She was loyal.
  • She was very wise.
  • She was skilled in the practice of medicine.
  • She was famous and very powerful.

Obstacles faced

  • People thought that she killed local men.
  • People thought she was a bad person because she practiced voodoo.
  • She didn't get treated right because she was a free African.
  • People thought she was a rude and mean witch.
  • With all of this happening she kept doing what she did best.

Time line

  1. Born September 10, 1801.
  2. August 14, 1819 she married Jacques Paris.
  3. January 1, 1820 she became The Queen of Voodoo.
  4. January 1, 1820 Jacques Paris became missing.
  5. March 1, 1820 she married Christophe de Glapion.
  6. January 1, 1827 Marie laveau the second was born.
  7. January 1, 1835 she became a hair dresser.
  8. In the 1860's Marie laveau stopped practicing. And was put on bed rest for the rest of her life.
  9. The last years of her life her daughter took care of her.
  10. She died June 15, 1881.


Created with images by Mark Gstohl - "Marie Laveau" • waitscm - "Marie Laveau the daughter's tomb" • Mark Gstohl - "Marie Laveau's Grave"

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