Okonkwo P.A.R.T.S

Physical description- Okonkwo is extremely tall, with bushy eye brows and a wide nose. He has a severe look, and walked as though he walked on springs. Because of this, Okonkwo always looked like he was ready to pounce. His broad shoulders made him look extremely intimidating.

Actions- In this story, Okonkwo beats his wife for cutting leaves off the banana tree, and plaiting her hair. He also takes part in the killing Ikemefuna, as well as shooting at his wife. As defeats the cat’’ as a young man of 18 he had brought honor to his village by throwing Amalinze the Cat.”- raises Ikemefuna- farmed yams- beats nwoye - goes to mbaino and takes back a boy and young virgin- started out as a sharecropper and worked his way up

Relationships- In the story Okonkwo has a few relationships that are crutial to our understanding him. The main one being with his father Umofa. While he no longer lives, Okonkwo was extremely ashamed of him due to his enournous debt and overall lazy life. He has now developed a deep hate for him over the years, hating everything he loved. Okonkwo's relationship with Nwoye was also extremely hostile, mainly due to the qualities of his father Okonkwo sees in him, this leads to him being beaten. Okonkwo's relationship with Ikemefuna in comparison is very caring. He notices Ikemefuna's work ethic and begins to think of him as his own son. Okonkwo also demonstrates his hosility towards his second wife when she takes a banana leaf to wrap the food, she was then beaten as Okonkwo attempted to shoot her with an old gun.

Thoughts- Throughout this story, Okonkwo is different from the other members of his tribe. Okonkwo does not think that the Peace Week is a good tradition, and he would rather be working than sitting around and eating all day. He also hates everything his father loves, which includes gentleness, and idleness. Because of this belief he rules his household with a heavy hand, and believes men should control their wives. Okonkwo also believes that Ikemefuma is having a positive affect on Nowye, and is making him more manly, however he will never admit this.

Speech- While Okonkwo mainly uses his actions to communicate his few emotions, there are times when he uses speech. However, he stammers when he speaks, compromising his ability to express himself well in language, and loses his capacity to talk completely when angered. Fighting, to him, is a good substitute for words. When he does speak it is usually out of anger. For example, he told Nwoye, "if you split another yam of this size, i shall break your jaw."

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