Project By Parker Melson and Reese Jones

Games with purpose was created to showcase the best games that do more than just entertains. It will feature an ever-growing selection of learning, serious, news, social impact and meaningful games. Our aim is to recognize those that most successfully blend fun, quality and objectives with a view to help new audiences discover and play them.

For Example Sesame Street Family Play

The app helps lead play, rather than asking them to hand their children over to the device. This game is used for helping pre-schoolers speak correctly. The audience is the pre-schoolers because it helps them speak words in a fun way and also for the parents of the children because it assures that there children's speech will be good.

Example:Sticks and Stones

Forces on aspects of bullying meaning to defend against bully's in the game to help people recover from being bullied. Victims from being bullied at school.

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