Digital Learning KHan Academy VS Youtube

What Are the of PROS of Khan Academy

 It is free and accessible. It costs absolutely nothing to watch videos and work on problems. It is available anywhere with internet.

 There are a wide variety of subjects available. There are videos about math, biology, chemistry, and physics. In addition, there are also videos on arts, humanities, economics, and finance.

 You can learn and work at your own pace. You can fast forward, rewind, repeat videos, stop and work out a problem on your own, all without having to consider other students’ or the teacher’s pace. Those who naturally work slower or who are struggling with a particular topic can focus on that topic. Others who may be naturally adept at a certain topic can speed through sections that are less challenging.

 It provides an incredible amount of math problems for a variety of grade levels (from very basic elementary concepts through calculus). One of the best ways to learn is through repetition. The more you do a certain kind of problem, the more familiar you will be with it, and the more you can use the patterns you recognize as a template for solving future problems. Because each problem is randomly generated, you have an unlimited number of problems to practice with. Each problem also is accompanied by its own solution so you can break it down step-by-step.

What Are the CONS of Khan Academy

 It is less interactive than having a face-to-face teacher or tutor. With a physical teacher or a tutor, you receive immediate feedback and talk through your thought process. With the Khan Academy videos, you lose that interactivity. If you have a question about a certain concept or problem, you cannot talk to another person and have them elaborate. It’s much more difficult for your to work through problem solving processes alone, in order to gauge your understanding.

 You are only exposed to one teaching style. Some students are auditory learners, others are visual, some are kinetic, and many students are a mix. Some students learn best with examples, some students learn best by doing. With Khan Academy, you are restricted to learning how the video teaches you, and it may or may not be the best way for you to learn as an individual.

 You lose the collaborative aspect of education. A perk of being in the classroom or one-on-one is that you can bounce ideas off of each other and work together. You might discover a new way of thinking about something or help one another build off of your mutual knowledge, skills, or strengths and weaknesses. That process cannot be replicated in the same way, when learning from videos.

 It lessens spontaneous creativity. Khan Academy, by nature, takes away some of the creativity and innovation that develops as you learn. It can only instruct; it cannot inspire and guide you to come to a solution on your own. A fundamental part of education is not only learning the material—in conjunction with generating ideas and being able to execute them.

In summary, Khan Academy is an incredibly useful tool for individuals to use to supplement concepts learned in class or find extra problems to work. However, it cannot replace the traditional classroom and tutoring experience.

What Are the Pros of YouTube in Education?

• It is free. Anyone can have access to YouTube whenever they want to have it. This makes it a usable tool for any teacher that happens to be on a tight budget.

• It can be used anywhere Don’t have to be tied to a specific location in order to upload helpful videos. This means that as long as there is an internet connection, there is the ability to upload a video

• It extends the classroom setting into the home. Not every student is able to complete their homework assignments on their own. With YouTube can search reference videos, lectures.

• It offers multiple learning options for the same task.

Some people work better through visual components. Others learn better by directly reading the information that needs to be retained. With YouTube, educators have the option to provide multiple methods of showing a problem’s resolution so that every student is able to learn in a way that best suits their needs.

• Videos can be rewatched as often as needed. On YouTube, there are no limits.

What Are the Cons of YouTube in Education?

• Not every video on YouTube is reliable.

Fake news isn’t just a problem on Facebook. There are numerous videos that are uploaded every day that come from questionable sources. Some videos are designed to sell products or promote a personal agenda. It can take some time to sort the real videos from the unreliable ones and that is an investment that not every educator is in a position to make.

• Some content in videos may not be suitable for the age group.

Let’s just be honest: some videos on YouTube are not suitable for children. This includes videos that are intended for a younger audience. This particular key point may not apply to high school or college-level courses, but should be considered for any educators that teach young children. It is for this very reason why YouTube hasn’t been in education for several years.

• You need to have an internet connection to access it.

If you don’t have a cellular data connection and there isn’t an internet connection in a classroom, then there is no way to utilize YouTube for education. There has to be some level of online connectivity in order for this to work. If one does not exist, all of these key points are rather moot.

• Videos often have advertisements.

And some of those advertisements can be very lengthy without an option to skip them. These ads may also not be appropriate for the content that is being taught.

Khan Academy Vs Youtube Learning Comparisons

Both of the Digital Tools allow people to learn at their own pace and can stop and start the video at any time, if break is needed or notes to be taken, this cannot be done in a classroom cannot interrupt the teacher. The learning can be done at any place and any time, only internet access is needed and the courses are completely free. These tools allow another learning option through visual components as some prefer than reading information’s through books. The main advantage of Khan Academy is that the information is reliable as the creator of the video is competent and is a professor in the field as in for YouTube anyone can upload the video and the information cannot always be reliable.

Personal Experience

From a personal preference, I personally think Khan Academy is a better tool to learn, as the professor conducts and explains points in the same manor and you will learn one way of completing the task and this will stick in your mind as for YouTube there can be many different videos with different methods of teaching used or the teaching of equations and will not know which way is better to learn. So with Khan Academy you will know what to expect and the information is reliable.

From a personal experience, I found visual tools like YouTube are hard to understand as the person talk with terminology which is hard to understand, if you don’t understand the start of the video or a point that has been made you cannot ask a question. Its also hard to take notes as cannot keep up with the speaker and pausing the video each time can be fiddly.

Personally I find written information easier to understand like the information on Wikipedia, the layout of its page helps me learn and understand the topic better. These facts are also usually linked with a picture that helps you understand better. The main benefit of Wikipedia they hyperlink the main words of the topic when pressed the word can be explained with a touch of the mouse which is a very big advantage of video learning.


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