BELOVED COMRADES The Political and Personal Partnership of Annette T. Rubinstein and Vito Marcantonio, Presented by Gerald Meyer and Stephen siciliano.

On Saturday, March 4, 2017, the lecture, Beloved Comrades: The Political and Personal Partnership of Annette T. Rubinstein and Vito Marcantonio, was hosted by the Vito Marcantonio Forum at the Mulberry Street Public Library in Manhattan's Little Italy. Stephen Siciliano and Gerald Meyer presented.

This video is an excerpt from Stephen Siciliano's presentation.

Stephen Siciliano gave a lively and thoughtful assessment of Annette Rubinstein's book, which examined the relevance and connection of the romantic poets to socialism.
Stephen Siciliano, (L) and Gil Fagiani (R), the NYC poet who penned, "The Litany of San Vito," which is recited at the start of all the Vito Marcantonio Forum events.
Gerald Meyer (L), Stephen Siciliano (C) and Gil Fagiani (R), all founding members of the Vito Marcantonio forum, listen as a member of the audience shares memories of Annette Rubinstein as a college educator.

For more information about Vito Marcantonio, who was the US Representative from East Harlem for 14 years and has largely been forgotten to history, visit Stephen Siciliano's blog, Marcantoniana, or

Created By
Romani Siciliano


R. Siciliano

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