LEBRON JAMES TELLS ALI STORY King James works with HBO to tell the story of The Greatest, MUHaMMAD ALI

Dec. 19th, 2016

Three time championship winner and Cleveland Cavaliers star, LeBron James will be the executive producer of an HBO documentary on the life of Muhammad Ali. Known as The Greatest to ever hit the world of boxing, Ali died this past June at the age of 74. The untitled film to date will be directed by Antoine Fuqua, who's list of work follows the boxing drama "Southpaw" and "Training Day." She too, will also produce the film. James says, "It's tough to put into words how much it means to me to be a part of this project honoring the legacy and telling the extremely important story of the great Muhammad Ali. He transcended sports and used his platform to empower people, which paved the way for all athletes and people of every race and gender that came after him, myself included. It's important that his story continues for generations to come."As a longtime admirer of Ali, James recently agreed to a $2.5 donation for a new exhibit on Ali at the Smithsonian Institution in support of Ali's social activism and his ambition to be the greatest! Ali's family is also participating in the project, as well as James' close friend and business partner Maverick Carter. His widow, Lonnie Ali, was also super excited about James' involvement. HBO said it will combine archives. rare footage, and cinematic recreations to tell his story. He leaves a legacy that will forever be remembered.

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