My Kumi Gets Some Mojo In which we get (a little bit) more traditional

I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the lure of a proper marudai for long. I chose to buy a kumimojo stand from Steve Leonhardt on Etsy. Not having actually used a marudai yet, I really liked the idea of being able to swap out the wooden mirror for a foam disk. I also liked the spinning mechanism, which seemed like it would be a real timesaver when using the foam disk.

Ta da! One fully assembled kumimojo stand!
The BeadSpinner is pretty cool, too....

A more patient person would have tackled a plain fiber braid first, or perhaps a nice even 8-0 beaded braid on a disk, but no, I jumped right in with a bunch of gemstone chips on the wooden mirror. Challenging, yes, but I learned a lot (isn't that a lovely euphemism for cussing?) and I absolutely fell in love with my marudai. Thank you, Steve!

Notice Jacqui Carey's book on standby because I just cannot get the hang of that tama slip knot

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