
CreeGeo photo stories Chapleau Cree First Nation

april 20, 2018

Studying the types of trees we will see on our walk with Dakota!

Fueling up before our walk outside with some moose meat!

Into the woods...

James, Peyton and Keenan using Esri's Survey123 app to record observations about trees and the medicines each type provides!

Dakota, Neila and Kyle watching our data collectors in action

Eco Warriors with Dakota - Peyton is learning about Balsam Fir and how it makes a great Christmas tree, and traditionally the sap was used as glue for band-aids and birch bark canoes!
What's that?

Fun with drones!

A little fun in the snow after a hard day's work!

Our fieldworkers are back in the band office, ready to submit their survey data now that there's an Internet connection!

Until next time, Eco Warriors!

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