The Monetize Everything is a 4 week program that will teach you my 4 proven principles that I have used for years to start and successfully build businesses. I will walk you through my simple but effective techniques and using my four tenets I follow in life which has always guided my ability to achieve. It is the guiding force behind my successes. The program involves a weekly one on one phone call or Skype meeting, to-do list, resource sharing to radically change your life. The Monetize Everything Course will show you how to stop wasting your gifts and talents and start monetizing them in a cohesive manner.

Created by entrepreneur Vivian Elebiyo, MBA, the Monetize Everything Course is perfect for you if you want to:

  • Turn your ideas to wealth
  • Stop dreaming about doing and start making your dreams come true
  • Make more money
  • Create residual income
  • Feel more confident and motivated to live your dreams
  • Be motivated and inspired to live your passions
  • Find out ways to make more money

About the Monetize Everything Course

Throughout your 4-week journey, you are going to learn a completely new way of thinking about your talents, gifts, abilities, attributes, skills, and better understand how you can monetize everything and learn the Shift Pyramid and 4 principles of monetizing your passion.

After the Monetize Everything Course, you will:

  • Understand how to monetize EVERYTHING
  • Know how to turn your passions into profit
  • Understand the purpose of your gifts and talents
  • Be inspired to start a new business or jump-start your dreams
Vivian Elebiyo, MBA

About the Expert

My childhood dream was to be an entrepreneur/ author/ evangelist/ motivational speaker/ doctor/ inventor/ designer/ the richest woman alive or married to the richest man alive/musician/ a shape-shifting superhero. Not in this particular order!

These dreams I nursed for years and those who knew me back then knew I was crazy about ideas that can change the world. I was going to be all of these things and more; until reality set in at the age of 18. I had to grow up! I had to stop dreaming of becoming and just BECOME. Today I am an entrepreneur, inventor, author, speaker, and an idea strategist, shape-shifting hero who make SHIFT happens. Maybe one day I can still be the richest woman alive, become an Evangelist and sing around the world. But for now I am relishing in those of my DREAMS that came true. My brand is about helping others LIVE THEIR PURPOSE, helping them MAKE THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE, walking them through the journey of DESIGNING THEIR BEST LIFE, and being their IDEA STRATEGIST, and PURPOSE COACH.

Some of the MILESTONE I have achieved since I started being INTENTIONAL about my dreams include:

  • Invented a “HEALTH COMPANION” for pregnant women around the world to help reduce the mortality rate.
  • Listed on several online and international magazine for my work
  • Launched and started my own business, Eleviv, Vivys, and “Designed Life”
  • Incorporated and became CEO of Eleviv Strategy Group.
  • Published over 10 books.

Part of what we are launching this year is DESIGNED LIFE ACADEMY, to help women CREATE THEIR DREAM LIFE, BUILD A THRIVING BUSINESS AND BRAND, and BE STRATEGIC ABOUT THEIR PURPOSE. I invite you to learn more and join us on this monumental movement.

Course Structure

The complete course is a unique 4-week Course consists of 4 modules to help you monetize everything. This course includes an in-depth one on one weekly phone or Skype session.

Course Module

  • MODULE 1: What is IT? Be clear on your passion and what you are good Tutorial 1 // Goal Setting: How to set goals you will actually achieve
  • MODULE 2: Dream IT Write down what you can do and make a vision board for it Tutorial 2 // SET GOALS: Learn how to set sustainable goals
  • MODULE 3: Plan IT Align your passion with a strategic plan and market it Tutorial 3 // CREATE A PLAN : Learn the art of planning; create a marketing plan, branding plan, etc.
  • MODULE 4: Do IT: Launch out and make it happen

Downloadable Documents Include:

  • How to Monetize Everything Ebook
  • What is IT Worksheets
  • Dream IT Worksheet
  • Plan IT Worksheet
  • Do IT Worksheet
  • Branding Guide
  • Talent Exploration and many more...
The Course is simply bursting with information that will change the way you think about your talents and money. Learn to take inspired action today and be motivated to monetize everything.

Are you ready to start MONETIZING EVERYTHING?

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