China by: Adam Schwartz

Great Wall

Culture: The Great Wall of China was built from the 3rd century BC to the 17 century AD. You should visit it because it's a very large and well known structure in China. The Great Wall helps reflect the collision and exchanges between agricultural civilizations and nomadic civilizations. If you visit The Great Wall of China it will show you the Chinese ways in military, architecture, technology, and art of ancient china.

China's Silk Road

Economic: The Silk Road was a well known trade route for many different people. It is a long trail with lots of exploring when you are visiting China on your trip. The Silk Road also helped to contribute to many of the great civilizations that we have today. It helped link the ancient societies of Asia, the subcontinent, central Asia, Western Asia, and the near east.

Temple of Heaven

Religion: The Temple of Heaven was founded in the first half of the 15th century. It's a structure of fine cult buildings that is surrounded by gardens. You should visit it because it symbolizes the relationships of many different people/objects which include earth and heaven. By visiting this unique and awesome structure it will help you better understand your relationships with others. If you visit China you must know that they believed heavily in Confucius. Confucius was a great philosopher and educator to the people during 6th-5th centuries BC. His teachings have greatly influenced how China operates today.

Imperial Palace

Political: The Imperial Palace is very meaningful to the Ming and Qing dynasties. It testifies to the last dynasty that ruled over China. You should visit it because of its historic background in the Chinese civilizations. This design shows the architectural ways of these dynasties and what their purpose was. If you see it then you get to learn about the Chinese dynasties and see their background and how this all came about.


Created with images by Thomas Depenbusch - "Shanghai, China" • fdecomite - "Silk Road 1992" • songkai0620 - "beijing the temple of heaven spectacular" • reibai - "Imperial Palace, 9 dragon screen"

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