London Travel Guide Rachel Varughese


London is the home of all things British! It is the capital of England and is very rich in its history and culture. Its iconic Big Ben clock tower and Buckingham Palace definitely catches tourists' eyes. This European travel destination is a wonderful place to visit. Immerse yourself in the British community and most of all, enjoy all of the lovely accents!


Traveling overseas can take half a days time and can be very expensive. However, a once in a life time experience like this makes it all worth it. Flights cost around $1,100 with 1-2 stopovers. Timings can range anywhere from 9 hours to 16 hours. It all depends on which airline you'll choose.


Once you arrive at the airport, you'll need a place to stay. There are 20 available hotels nearby the area. A weeks stay can cost between $200-$600 depending on which hotel you'll pick.

Map of hotels right outside the airport.
Wonderful architecture and bedroom accommodations.


Right outside the airport are 20 restaurants as well. Some traditional British food and drinks include fish and chips, Yorkshire pudding, Shepherd's pie, and of course, tea!

Map of restaurants right outside the airport.
Fish and chips, tea, and Yorkshire pudding.


There are many ways to get around this city. The underground subway system is an efficient way of getting around quickly for sightseeing. If you'd rather stay above, call a cab or even hitch a ride on a red, double-decker bus like a professional tourist! You can always resort to good old-fashioned walking as well. But just keep in mind, if you do decide to drive, to stay on the left lane!

Double-decker buses are perfect for tourists. The tube is the best way to get to all of your destinations quickly.


You won't be using U.S. dollars to pay for your needs, you'll use British pounds!



Watch this video to see the best sightseeing places in London!

I hope you are thoroughly informed about London. Enjoy your trip!


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