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Welcome to the UCLA Library Join us on a virtual tour!

Student kneeling between two rows of books, selecting one from the stacks

We're here to help you with your research needs!

We’re here to help you with every step of the research and writing process! If you’re looking for help, here are some options.

1) Make an appointment with a Library Student Research Assistant

2) Make an appointment with a librarian

3) Ask us a question via chat 24/7

4) Make an appointment with a Peer Learning Facilitator at the Undergraduate Writing Center

Let's walk through all of those options in more detail!

1) Make an appointment with a Library Student Research Assistant

This peer-to-peer service can help you find textbooks, articles, and primary sources, as well as break down assignment prompts, narrow the focus of your research, and identify research gaps. Currently, we are offering both virtual consultations over Zoom and in-person consultations located in Powell Library. This is a good option for you if: you have general questions and would like to receive assistance from a fellow student.

Watch this video to learn what to expect from a virtual research consultation ⬇️

2) Make an appointment with a librarian

Subject librarians who specialize in a certain area offer a variety of services designed to help you access information resources and use them more effectively. Assistance may range from locating a needed fact or specific source to designing a search strategy for retrieving information on a broad topic. This is a good option for you if: you have subject specific questions.

3) Ask us a question via chat 24/7

Looking for help at 2am? Ask us a question via chat 24/7! This chat service is available on our website. Please note that this is a co-op service and the person answering your question may not work at the UCLA Library. This is a good option for you if: it's outside normal business hours and you need help right away.

4) Make an appointment with a Peer Learning Facilitator at the Undergraduate Writing Center

Looking for writing help? Make a virtual appointment or drop in with a Peer Learning Facilitator— a fellow undergraduate who is trained to help with writing— at the Undergraduate Writing Center! PLFs can assist with any kind of paper for any class, and at any stage of the writing process. That includes help identifying a topic, formulating a thesis, organizing your ideas, incorporating and citing sources, or learning to proofread effectively. Make an appointment for help on a particular assignment, or set up regular appointments throughout the quarter to work on improving your writing.

We're also here to support your technology needs!

CLiCC has got you covered!

The Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLiCC) offers technology and support for UCLA students, faculty, and staff.

A CLiCC laptop.

All CLICC shared devices (Chromebooks, Macs, iPads and Windows laptops) have the same loan policy: 1 week with 1 optional renewal of 1 week.

Loans are made via walk-up circulation only, and the majority of the devices are available at the Powell Lending location on the first floor of Powell Library. Other Library locations such as the Biomedical Library, SEL–Boelter, SEL–Geology, Music Library, and YRL also have CLICC devices available for walk-up loans. A lending locker in Powell Library has Chromebooks available for loan and will still lend devices outside of CLICC lending location hours.

A student in a hijab, wearing headphones and working on their laptop in the Powell Main Reading Room

If you are experiencing problems with a Library CLiCC device, please contact us. If the sticker on your device starts with the letters FAC or ITO, please contact UCLA IT Support.

Even when you're off-campus, you can still access millions of resources through UCLA Library!

You just need to set up a VPN! (Virtual Private Network)

Once you configure your computer for off-campus access to UCLA Library resources using a VPN or Proxy, you'll be able to access e-books, articles, music, videos, and more from anywhere!

Please visit our Remote Access guide for getting VPN configured with VPN or Proxy.

Now, we'll show you how to access our collections!

UCLA Library users – and all members of the University of California community – now have access to a more robust discovery tool allowing you to conduct systemwide searches for materials across all UC campus libraries. UC Library Search empowers you to:

  • Search and get real-time availability for print, digital, and electronic items from all 10 UC campuses in the "Articles, Books, and More" search menu.
  • Discover and request content available outside the UC system.
  • Manage loans, requests, and more from multiple campuses all in one place in "My Library Account"

This Library guide will introduce you to the features of UC Library Search such as "My Library Account" in more detail and help you find items more effectively!

You can also access journals and articles with UCLA Library Scholarly Databases!

Step-by-Step Instructions to Borrow a Book in Person

  • Record the location and call number of the book you want (as listed in UC Library Search).
  • Go to the location and find the book. Books are in alphanumeric order by call number (see How to Read a Call Number).
  • If the book is not on the shelf, ask library staff to search for it, either in-person at the circulation desk or through an online form.
  • Tip! Asking in person is usually better, because the circulation staff can often tell you alternate places to look (such as books waiting to be re-shelved).
  • If staff don't find the book, they'll place an interlibrary loan request in your name
  • If the item is there, take it to the circulation desk with your BruinCard
  • The staff there will check out the book to you. Or, in some libraries, you can use a self-checkout machine.

Want to borrow stuff for class?

Check out Course Reserves!

Course Reserves are created upon instructor request to support a particular class. Course Reserves Lists may include links to online books, articles, book excerpts, PDFs of printed materials, films, sound recordings, and other materials.

Course Reserves can be searched by instructor name, department name, or course number in UC Library Search.

Do you need a resource that is not available at the Library? Let ILL help!

The InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service allows UC students, faculty, and staff to request access to materials not available through the UCLA libraries.

The InterLibrary Loan (ILL) enables UC students, faculty, and staff to obtain material not available in the UCLA Library in print or online. UCLA will automatically search for availability in other libraries, both in this country and abroad. Articles and book chapters will be scanned and e-mailed directly to you. Questions? Contact the ILL Department.

The service is free to eligible borrowers:

  • UC faculty members, including emeriti
  • UC academic library cardholders
  • UC students
  • UC staff library cardholders

Want to become a better writer and researcher?

The Library offers varied workshops designed to help students succeed as an undergraduate, graduate Bruin and beyond!

Workshops cover areas including:

  • Getting started with research
  • Using citation management software (Zotero, EndNote)
  • Mapping and visualization tools
  • Writing a literature review
  • Organizing data with spreadsheet software such as Excel or databases
  • Finding sources at the UCLA Library

Can't make a live workshop? Take one of our award-winning workshops on your own time!

You can take our WI+RE (Writing Instruction + Research Education) virtual workshops any time!

What is WI+RE? WI+RE is a learner-led community focused on helping everyone succeed in their writing and research projects. The website includes quick and practical research and writing tutorials, collaboratively designed by students at UCLA.

Workshops include topics like:

You can take these free virtual workshops on the WI+RE website!

Don't forget to take breaks!

Need a Break from Studying? De-stress with the library every quarter during 10th and Finals week!

To care for students' well-being and help them relax and succeed, The Library hosts activities to reduce stress, including therapy dog visits, zine-making and origami workshops, game nights, music playlists, and other de-stress activities!

Students doing origami during Stressbusters.

Check out our library events and exhibits page to stay up-to-date about the latest happenings!

(Clockwise from top left) Librarian Jet Jacobs showing three students a manuscript in YRL's Special Collections, Librarian Doug Daniels pulling an object out of a 3D printer at the Lux Lab, a student on a laptop in Young Research Library, a student singing into a mic in the Music Library studio.

We can't wait to welcome you! Check out our website and follow us on social media @uclalibrary to keep up with important updates!
