Coach V's Ideal Cottage

The "bird's eye" view of the cottage.

The front view of my cottage
The view of the left hand side of the cottage

After completing the blueprints, next task was to design a 3d version of my cottage. Using Tinkercad

A perspective that shows multiple sides of the cottage.

Here are the views of my cottage from each side. Each side was then used to help calculate the costs associated with painting the exterior walls, putting shingles on the roof, and heating the home.

Without the roof With the roof
The front view The back view
The right view The left view
The wall calculation
The roof calculation
The heat calculation

In the end, Mr. V would need to pay a total of 3191.60 euros. This include 990 euros for the new roof, 131.6 for the paint and 2070 euros for the heating. This a reasonable amount for a place that will provide years and years of priceless memories :).

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