Window to Your Future Legacy Financial Advisors, LLC

We believe that every client is unique.

As a result, we approach every relationship with creativity, ingenuity, and state-of-the-art tools in order to create solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.

Are your ready to get started?

Our team becomes your team.

At Pinnacle, we strive to not only be your partner – but to be your team.

Every department and every employee within Pinnacle is committed to helping your business thrive. Your complete satisfaction is the only indicator that we have succeeded in our service.

Advanced Planning Center.

Our Advanced Planning Center (APC) is here with the knowledge, resources, and leverage you need to provide your clients with the best possible level of service. With over a century of combined experience, the APC is ready to assist you in qualified plans, executive benefits, and business succession planning.

Underwriting Team

With decades of experience in working cases of all sized and complexities, your underwriting team has been the operational support of firms across of the nation. Our team is here to provide the assistance, materials, and expertise you need to close cases as quickly and effectively as possible.

Our resources become your resources.

In order to keep you a step ahead of your competitors, we make it our priority to provide you with the most cutting edge resources in the industry.

Drop Ticket

One such resource is the Drop Ticket engine. Through Drop Ticket, you have ability to significantly expedite the application process by submitting a ticket in a matter of minutes.

Our expertise becomes your expertise.

Every member of the Pinnacle team combines an exceptional knowledge of the industry with years of hands-on experience – allowing every member to be a true expert in his or her respective field.

By utilizing a team with a variety of unique skills and specialties, you are now capable of broadening the horizons of your business beyond what you thought possible.

Department of Labor

The recent fiduciary ruling from the Department of Labor has left many advisors uncertain about the future. But we're to provide you with the right strategies to approach this ruling.

Watch the video below to learn how Pinnacle has created a solution that empowers the advisor in spite of the DOL.

Our Approach

Our goal is to help advisors maximize their planning opportunities within their book of business, by utilizing leverage and mitigating risk. Here at Pinnacle, we have created a three step process that will help advisors identify their planning opportunities.


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